Friday, 24 October 2008

The washing machine......

Hello everyone!

The washing machine engineer turned up yesterday, yippeeeeee!!!

As Servis have gone bust, I had to phone Argos and their Insurers sent the engineer. Needs a new expensive part (machine only purchased in February this year), so I have to wait to hear if Argos will replace or repair.

At least something is now being done thank goodness.

I don't expect anybody really wants to know about my washing machine, but this blog has been a wonderful place to vent my anger at the lack of customer care from Servis! Thank you Blog!

So, does anybody want to know about the new stock just in? I'm telling you whether you want to know or not - ha ha!
Santa Sack

Now that was a great success, adding my photo - I think I did that a bit wrong, don't you?

I didn't mean to have two photos, I certainly didn't mean to have a jumbo photo (which I have now shrunk down really small) and I sure as hell didn't mean for them to be all over the place.

I will now try and add a photo of the adorable monkey puppet just in - and I will try and get his photo just HERE:- oh dear! He is up at the top of the Blog now.
I don't think I will add anymore photos!!!
Oh well, if you want more ideas for Christmas presents, best go straight to the website rather than me add photos to the Blog:
Thats all for today folks!
Take care,

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