Tuesday, 28 October 2008

What? A FREE gift AND 10% Discount?

Hello friends!

Shall I start about the offer on Trewhellows Gift Shop first, or tell you my tale of woe?

I think I had better look as though I am working and deal with the offer first, then if you think you are going to be totally bored by my "booby story", you need not read on! ;-)

At Trewhellows Gift Shop we have decided to extend the offer of 10% discount if you spend £50 or more until 27th November PLUS if you spend £75 or more, not only do you get the 10% discount but a surprise FREE GIFT too!

This offer applies to all of our customers worldwide too! But, we would ask that you e-mail us first for the shipping costs. With the nature of the gifts being all shapes, sizes and weights it's impossible to programme a fair shipping price for every Country, that's why we ask that you contact us for a quote first so that you don't get a nasty surprise at checkout!

Hope you enjoy shopping with us at Trewhellows Gift Shop!

Now for the "booby story":

I just can't understand why hundreds, thousands, millions of women pay good money to have their boobies enlarged. What is the attraction?

If I could give my boobies away, I would gladly! I'm afraid I am one of those people that would just love to be flat chested - be able to go about in the summer without a bra on!

What has started me on this topic? Well, I bought a new bra the other week (not a tiny little one), but what I thought was the correct size. When I got home and put it on, my boobies seem to have extended a little (o.k. so I have probably put on weight!). I have been wearing the bra, but the weight of those boobies pulled the straps so much, they twisted around and hurt my shoulders.

So, yesterday I went and bought another bra - the largest they sell in the blinkin' shop for heaven sake - and although it fits, I still don't think it's the correct size. I refuse to get any bigger (if I could) as I'm sure that everytime I buy a bigger bra, the boobies think to themselves "hey, room here, let's fill it out".

Oh dear! Not very professional talking about my boobies is it - but what the heck! I have the blog in my nick-name and not the business name, so I shall be light hearted and talk gibberish!
Hope you don't mind ! LOL

Until the next blog folks!


Sunday, 26 October 2008

Clocks back .... hour extra in the bed today!

Hello friends (if I have any - LOL :-) )

The joy of having children aged 19, 17 and 14 is, they all want to stay in the bed until lunchtime when they don't have to get up for school or college. (That meant I was able to have a lie in this morning, with the hour going back).

Now this used to drive my mother mad! She used to bang about in a strop, making me wake up and I was TOLD to put the hoover around.

I have adopted a totally different attitude to bringing up my children - "chill" is my motto!
My daughter even says things like "I have just tidied up for you Mum, shall I put the hoover around for you?" Bless! She actually wants to help me.

Today the weather is dull, grey and wet here in Cornwall. It's supposed to brighten up this afternoon, but does not look like it at the moment. I am cold and have a cold coming, wonderful!

I think I will go and put my feet up this afternoon and watch the TV. Noel is on at 5 p.m. with Deal No Deal - I do love watching things like this on the telly!

Have a good weekend everyone!


p.s. I do use my blog to promote my business sometimes you know, but I like to "chat" a bit, even if it's just waffle! Hope you don't mind my waffle!!!
I'm not a very good sales woman you see, I feel uneasy promoting my business all the time. I think it's something to do with the fact that VistaPrint send a Bl**dy e-mail everyday telling me I am lucky and can have something for free today.
I can't stand it when you buy something from somebody and then they are like a leech, so I'm inclined to be the total opposite with my customers and I go hide in a hole somewhere.

Anyway, for the benefit of Google, I will just put:

That's my business promotion for today! LOL


Saturday, 25 October 2008

Friday, 24 October 2008

The washing machine......

Hello everyone!

The washing machine engineer turned up yesterday, yippeeeeee!!!

As Servis have gone bust, I had to phone Argos and their Insurers sent the engineer. Needs a new expensive part (machine only purchased in February this year), so I have to wait to hear if Argos will replace or repair.

At least something is now being done thank goodness.

I don't expect anybody really wants to know about my washing machine, but this blog has been a wonderful place to vent my anger at the lack of customer care from Servis! Thank you Blog!

So, does anybody want to know about the new stock just in? I'm telling you whether you want to know or not - ha ha!
Santa Sack

Now that was a great success, adding my photo - I think I did that a bit wrong, don't you?

I didn't mean to have two photos, I certainly didn't mean to have a jumbo photo (which I have now shrunk down really small) and I sure as hell didn't mean for them to be all over the place.

I will now try and add a photo of the adorable monkey puppet just in - and I will try and get his photo just HERE:- oh dear! He is up at the top of the Blog now.
I don't think I will add anymore photos!!!
Oh well, if you want more ideas for Christmas presents, best go straight to the website rather than me add photos to the Blog: www.trewhellowsgiftshop.co.uk
Thats all for today folks!
Take care,

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

I'm a bit happier today!

Hello folks,

I thought I would give you the latest update to my Servis Washing Machine breakdown.

As the engineer did not turn up Friday or yesterday, I phoned Servis Customer Care again this morning to the news that they are in liquidation and not taking any more bookings for engineers.

I then phoned Arogs (where I purchased the machine in February) and they are now dealing with the breakdown - phew! I have a name and phone number for a local engineer that will be dealing with it.

So don't buy a Servis machine at the moment! (having said that, the washing machine I have had for almost 5 years is Servis and I have not had a moments trouble with it - it's just the Customer Care that's the problem).

Back to work!


Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Hello everyone,

Just thought I would give you an update regarding the broken down washing machine.

Waited in all day Friday for the Engineer - didn't turn up.
Waited in Monday for the Engineer - phoned Servis only to be told
"we are incoming calls only, so don't know why he didn't turn up. We can book you another engineer for tomorrow"
Waited in all Tuesday for the Engineer - didn't turn up.

E-mailed Servis HO on Monday - e-mail read at 12.39 by Davina Spruce, but unfortunately nobody has had the courtesy to acknowledge my e-mail, let alone reply to it.

This evening I have googled "complaints about Servis" and which I had never set eyes on a Servis washing machine.

I will sleep on this tonight before I decide what my next course of action will be. As it was purchased from Argos in February, I might contact them and see what they say.
I am a member of the Federation of Small Businesses - might get some legal advice from them tomorrow as it is the holiday let business that the machine belongs to.
Other alternative is Watchdog, or even Trading Standards.

All I can say to you all now is, if you are thinking about purchasing a Servis product DONT! Look elsewhere!!!

Sorry if this is really boring - but I have to get it off my chest, so telling the world via my blog is keeping me calm!

Until the next blog,


Monday, 20 October 2008

Totally fed up!!! Servis Customer Care is ****

Hello everyone,

Well, I hope the weather is better where you are - it's raining here and very miserable.

That's not the reason I am fed up though (although it does not help).

Last week, Tuesday 14th October to be precise, the washing machine in the holiday let next door packed up. It was only bought on Feb 14th this year and not had much use, so should not have died on me at such a young age! So, phoned the Servis Customer Careline (an 0870 number - arrggghh - I am on Option 3 with BT and don't pay for landline calls, but I DO have to pay for b***dy 0870, 0845 etc). Engineer was booked for Friday 17th October. By 5.10p.m. on Friday, no sign of an engineer, so hubby called the Customer Careline again, only to be told that we were booked in for that day and he could be as late as 8.30p.m.

Well, guess what - no sign of an engineer - no phone call to apologise - nothing!

I phoned the 0870 number yet again today. Had to wait 18 minutes before I was connected to a "person". They could only apologise, but could not give a reason and could only book me in again for tomorrow now. I asked for the Manager, but was informed that he could only book me in for another appointment and do no more. I then asked for their Head Office LANDLINE, to be able to complain and ask why no one turned up.

After re-arranging the engineer for tomorrow, I then set about ringing Servis H.O. Rang the landline number, pressed 2 for Customer Care and guess what - a recorded message "please re-dial 08705 168299" - that's the b***dy number that gave me the landline number for Head Office, the ones that COULD NOT HELP!!!

I have now sent the H.O. an e-mail marked f.a.o. Managing Director (as if he will see the e-mail!)
They have marked the e-mail as "read", so I await their reply!

Question is, will the engineer turn up tomorrow?

So Servis Customer Care - your "servis" is totally inadequate - useless - pathetic - unsatisfactory - (you probably already realise I am very very angry at this firm!!!).

Fingers crossed, I will get a reply from Servis HO explaining why the engineer did not turn up on Friday and that he turns up tomorrow.

I will keep you all updated


Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Today's update

Hello everyone!

Thought I would just give you an update for today.

I didn't blog here yesterday as I had the enjoyable job of pressing bedding. If you read my twitter, you will probably already know this. You will also know that I am not so efficient as to press my own bedding (too much of a slob for that I think!), but for the guests that stay at our cottage next door, Rosia Cottage.

I thought it would be very nice for the guests to have memory foam mattresses and Egyptian cotton sheets - the mattresses are lovely (I slept there last week when my daughter had a Danish Exchange Student over - all girls next door leaving the boys at home). As for the cotton sheets, yes they are crisp, clean and delightful to sleep in but it takes me a whole day to wash and press bedding! (Makes me think of the Fresh Linen reed diffusers and candles in a Jar that we sell)

If anybody reading this actually knew me, then you would know my little tricks of avoiding ironing at all times! Shirts taken out of the washing machine, given a good shake then hang on the line (if the weather is good). Then when picking in the washing, putting straight on the hanger, or hang over the clothes horse next to the dehumidifier and hopefully gets rid of any creases. All remaining creases to fall out when worn, with body heat.

All bedding does not need ironing as the above methods are used, then when put on the bed remaining creases will drop out. Any creases left will NOT be noticed as everybody will have their eyes shut sleeping!

It also helps to buy non-iron shirts and polyester sheets! As for knickers, socks etc. why do they need ironing anyway?

Well, I must get back to work! I have loads of Laser Crystal Balls to list on the website at Trewhellows Gift Shop

Bye for now,


Monday, 13 October 2008

Am I getting the hang of it yet?

Well, I have been busy making blogs everywhere!

I now have two more blogs:



I am also on Twitter.com




I'm still not sure what I am doing and whether or not anyone will find my blogs, but Lynn found my blogger blog last week, so there's hope yet!

Take care folks!

Until the next time.............


aka DingDongKathy

Trewhellows Gift Shop and

Rosia Cottage Holidays

Sunday, 5 October 2008

My first time - blogging that is

Hello to anybody that may stumble upon my blog!

Blogging is all very new to me and I have no idea what I am doing, or if anyone will actually read my blog.

I am married and have three teenage children (not so bad as it sounds!!!).

My husband and I run our own on-line gift shop business (www.trewhellowsgiftshop.co.uk) and we also own a holiday cottage next door to us in "sunny" Cornwall, UK. I say sunny as it is raining outside today and seemed to rain most of the summer. We have come to the conclusion that the best time to stay in our holiday cottage is out of season, when it's much cheaper and the weather seems so much better! If you want to see pictures of the cottage they are on our website www.rosiacottageholidays.co.uk

I inherited the cottage when my dear Dad died - he had inherited it when his parents died. We spent the whole of 2007 renovating it. What started out as just double glazing, central heating, damp proofing and a new roof, ended up we gutted the place and more or less started again but it was well worth the time and expense as it is now a wonderful cottage.

So, will anyone actually read this blog, or will it get lost in cyber space? Ho hum.

Bye for now,


aka Dingdongkathy